Monday, September 01, 2008

Midori and ICG2

Midori, has arrived at Japan now.
This is one of the photo we have together with my ICG2 friends.

Hope, someday we can travel around together. hehehe...

I think i will learn Japanese a bit then...hahaha.
Back then, when i was in Indonesia, my friend did ask me to go with them into Japanese Language Course at the Japan Embassy. But, since i was too busy *playing around, haha*, then, i never make it.


Then now, i have midori and handra that can teach me. Would u guys teach me? :D

enjoy the pic and gbu always,


  1. waaaaa enaknya bisa makan bareng ama anak2 cell group :D

  2. huehehehe...kegiatan rutin setelah pulang service...hahaha...
    ayo main2 kesini..dah ada 2 anak jpcc di cellgroupku..haha...

    yang satu, namanya tulus, sempet pelayanan keyboard me kalo ga salah :D


feel free to have a say ^^