Sunday, March 23, 2008

i'm BACK

siang itu...berbekal dengan 2 tas, satu warna hitam dan satu warna hijau. PLUS satu ransel dan satu plastic bag..membuatku urung naik MRT untuk pulang ke HDB. T_T *ribet* begitu pikirku.

Alhasil karena males ribet, jadilah aku naek taksi. hehe....
Ndelalah...sopir taksi ini seneng ngomong, dan....dia pengen supaya aku minta no hp e....hehe...beginilah ceritanya...

Tiba di pangkalan taksi bandara. Trus satu mister berkulit coklat bilang ama aku, "Taxi number 5 please". "Okay, thank you" <--ini aku yang njawab.hehe...

Pintu bagasi taxi dibuka. Setelah tas - tas dimasukkan semua. Aku segera menuju ke pintu depan, membuka pintu, dan duduk dengan leganya. Oya, tidak lupa pasang seatbelt sih... hehe

Driver (D) : "Ni yao dao nali qu?" *terjemahan bebas: mau kemane neng?*
Me (S) : "Uhmm... Lorong One Toa Payoh please. It is near Braddel MRT."
D: "Oo... Lorong One Toa Payoh."


D: "Where do you come from?"
S: "Indonesia."
D: "What are you doing here? Working? Or Study?"
S: "I'm working now."
D: "So, you have to go to work tomorrow. Why don't you take a long vacation?"
S: "I had. I have been off for 10 days, hehehe"
D: " long... Then you must be have a good boss."
S: " course. A great boss."
D: "So, you are...a chinese?"
S: "Yes...why?"
D: "Then you can speak chinese."
S: "hehe....not really...just a little. A basic word only."
D: " must learn chinese...let me teach you. what do you want to say"
S: "Wait for a minute, i have an sms. I'll reply it first." *it was from my beloved, huehehe*

after a while

D: "So, do you like to stay in spore?"
S: "Yes, it is very convenient and safe."
D: "Yes..." . "Where do you work?"
S: "Chin swee...."
D: "That Manhattan House?"
S: "Yah...that Manhattan House..."
D: "I've go to Indonesia before. And I don't want to go there again. It's very scary. Don't you scare?"
S: "Why? Indonesia has a beautiful scenery. And it's also safe. We have so many cities. Each cities have different cultures and behavior. But most of all, it is safe. Near Surabaya, we have Mt Bromo. It's a beautiful mountain. We also have Bali...a beautiful island. Don't you want to go there?"
D: "Yes. I heard about Bali from my friend. I want to go there with you..So, don't you want to take me to Indonesia? visiting Bromo maybe"
S: "haha...." *ga ngerti mesti ngomong apa.....* "You can take a flight to Surabaya, then find some tours, they will take you to Mt Bromo. Anyway, Singapore - Bali it may takes about 3-4 hours maybe."
D: "I have a wife in Indonesia."
S: "O ya??? Where does she live?"
D: "She is you."
S: "haha" * ketawa kecut*

trus akire ngobrol2 lagi, lupa tentang apa ae....ada seng dee tanya aku berapa bersaudara, anak ke berapa, apa lagi ya? mboh wes.....trus cerita dee mau ke US nemui adike, nunjuki fotoe ponakane....sampe akire wes sampe deket flatku.

D: "Where's your flat?Straight forward, or turn left?"
S: "I don't know...wait...don't know...may be you should turn left..*sementara itu aku liat ada Yellow Pages Building di depanku dan langsung spontan aja... -->* O no....wrong should be straight...."
D: " want to be with me a little bit more...
S: "haha... NO."
D: "Yes, you don't want to go ..."
S: "NO. I just don't know the way."

Sampe akire sampe, tas ku diturunin..aku didiskon 20 cents. Trus ditawari...
D: "Can you bring these bags? Should I help you to bring these bags?"
S: "Hehe.. No, thank you. I can handle it"
D: "You dont want my number?"
S: ".............."

cuman senyum tok..wes ga ngerti mau ngomong apa. La wong namaku ae dee ga tau. hehe. Ga ngerti aku carae kenalan ala org spore...

Ya wes...
sekelumit cerita tentang hari pertama kedatanganku setelah 10 hari pulang ke indo...


Hepi Easter everyone..

nb: Pa, ruth ini ndableg...bawa'en ruth ke pusat kehendakMu ya... pliz pliz..pliiiizzzzzzzzzz

^^ tengkiu Pa...i lop u

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