Jumat, 17 Desember 2010. Berbekal pakaian dan uang secukupnya, maka saya menuju ke Tanjong Pagar Railway Station. Di perjalanan kali ini saya memutuskan untuk menggunakan kereta api karena mulai bulan Juli 2011, stasiun KA dari Tanjong Pagar ini tidak lagi digunakan. So, i was thinking that i have to give it a try, at least once :)
Jam menunjukkan pukul 12.30, namun antrian orang di pintu masuk masih saja tidak bergerak. Aku hanya memandang dari kejauhan karena memang aku belum melihat adanya kereta datang dari arah Malaysia.
Pukul 12.45. Aku mulai curiga, karena menurut jadwal, kami harus berangkat pk 13.00, dan masuk 30 menit sebelum keberangkatan. Memutari gedung sambil sesekali mengambil foto, tiba2 mataku menatap nanar ke sebuah papan pengumuman. "The train was expected to come on 14.15." And yes, it was just "expected" not the exact timing. Akhirnya aku mencari tempat duduk dan mulai memesan secangkir teh susu untuk menemani cheese prata yang tadinya aku beli untuk bekal makan di KA.
Sekitar pukul 15.00 akhirnya KA tiba juga. Dengan sigap orang2 yang sedari pk 13.00 mengantri, memasuki pintu masuk. Setelah melewati imigrasi Malaysia, kami masih harus menunggu KA lagi. Entah mengisi bensin ato entah ngapain, tapi yang jelas memakan waktu setengah jam.
15.30 - Akhirnya kereta berangkat juga. Fiuh. Kereta berhenti sebentar di Woodlands untuk pengecekan imigrasi keluar dari Singapore. Setelah itu langsung tancap gas (ato uap? ato listrik? hehe) menuju ke Melaka.
Apabila kita menggunakan kereta untuk pergi ke Melaka dari Singapore, maka tidak ada rute langsung. Stasiun kereta terdekat adalah Tampin/Pulau Sebang. Dari Stasiun Tampin, kita masih harus menempuh jarak lagi sepanjang 1 jam. So, actually it is not advisable to use the train anyway. :D Kalau dari Singapore ke Melaka, mendingan naik bus aja karena ada bus langsung. Dan dari segi biaya, harganya jauh lebih murah.
20.30, akhirnya tiba juga di Stasiun Tampin. Rencana awal apabila kereta tidak mengalami delay, maka aku masih bisa naik bus dari Tampin ke Melaka. Tarif untuk naik bus sekitar RM 4.50 (kata bapak2 di stasiun). Namun apa daya, bus terakhir telah berangkat pk 19.30. Aku yang tak tahu menahu menunggu disana sampai pk 21.30. Akhirnya karena tidak ada bus, maka aku harus naik taksi. And it cost me a bomb. Tapi karena sudah larut dan aku ga tau apa2 tentang Tampin, maka tak ada pilihan lain.
Pengalamanku naik taksi dari Tampin ke Melaka sangat tidak menyenangkan. Sungguh, berhati-hatilah apabila hendak naik taksi di daerah ini. Jangan bepergian di malam hari. Kalau siang hari, sebenarnya masih bisa ditawar antara RM 40-60. Namun karena sudah malam, maka si supir memberikanku harga RM 70. Sudah gitu, dia masih ngambil sepasang penumpang dulu sebelum mengantarkanku. Dan tidak ada potongan harga untuk aku. Gila. Masih belum berhenti di situ, aku ditanya, tujuanku di Melaka dimana. Aku bilang "di JALAN Portugis". Kemudian dia dengan nada yang tidak sopan "HAA ITU JAUH SEKALI. KAMU HARUS TAMBAH UANG." Aku tanya balik, "Ya sudah, gimana lagi. Harus tambah berapa om?". Sopir yg tidak sopan itu, "90..eh, 100."
Oyaaaa....si uncle ini kurang ajar sekali, ketika pertama kali mau mengantar aku, dia ogah2an trus bilang gini, "Kamu punya uang ta? Mahal lho naik taksi ke Melaka". Mayak. Begitu pikirku pertama.
Anyway, I have no other choice. Aku cuman berpikir, pokoknya sampe di Melaka malem itu dan istirahat.
Ndelalah, ternyata di Melaka itu ada yang namanya Kampung Portugis, which is 3 km away from Jalan Portugis. Dan si uncle sopir taxi ini mengantarku ke Kampung Portugis. Aku sempet liat nama jalannya. "De Alburqueque". Jadi aku bilang, "uncle ini bukan jalan portugis". Uncle nya ngeyel, "ini portugis". Trus dia memberhentikan aku begitu saja, katanya "Sudah, kamu turun saja disini. Kamu tanya orang sana."
Aku pun bertanya ama nyonya pemilik rumah mengenai alamat yang ingin aku tuju. Dan beneran, tempatnya bukan disitu. Terus si tante bilang, "Itu daerah Jonker Street". Setelah aku menyampaikan rasa terima kasihku, maka aku segera menyetop si taksi itu kembali. Untung dia lagi putar balik. Aku bilang, "uncle, kamu kasih aku turun di jalan yang salah. Katanya nyonya itu, jalan portugis itu dekat jonker street."
Gila keduanya, dia tambah marah2, katanya "lho, kamu katanya mau ke jalan portugis, trus kok ternyata ke daerah jonker street". Aku mau marah sudah pk 11.30. Sendirian lagi. Ya sudah, aku naik. Anyway, si supir taksi dan istrinya *yup, istrinya menemaninya*, bener-bener keterlaluan. Dalam perbincangan kita, mereka tahu kalo aku pertama kali ke Melaka namun mereka tega bener tidak menurunkan aku pada tempat tujuanku, padahal aku sudah bayar lebih.
Lebih gila lagi, tiba2 di tengah perempatan jalan dia berhenti, trus bilang itu jonker street. Aku masih dengan kebingungan, "Lho, ini bukan jalan portugis uncle." Dia bilang, "itu jonker street. kamu turun aja disini." Jujur saja, yang namanya jonker street itu aku ga tahu, dan ditempat aku diturunkan, tidak nampak keramaian sama sekali. Tapi karena aku juga bete, dan dua orang tua ini bener-bener tidak punya hati, aku juga males minta tolong sama mereka. Gila aja.
Aku bilang terimakasih dan turun. Kemudian aku menelpon empunya guesthouse. Aku cuman melihat ada plang nama "Jalan Laksamana" dan Discovery Cafe. Berbekal 2 petunjuk itu, maka aku minta ditunjuki arah. Dan ternyata, masih lumayan jauh. Mana ga ada peta lagi. Akhirnya aku disuru tanya ke orang di Discovery Cafe, eh, aku tambah ditawari untuk nginep disana aja. haahaha, secara mereka juga punya kamar yang disewakan. Setelah dijelaskan sedikit, akhirnya aku nekat jalan aja. Melewati jembatan, sedikit berbelok kesana dan kemari, ada juga keramaian. Aku sempet inget, di peta emang kelihatannya deket dengan Jonker Street, tapiiii....aku tak punya peta. Mana bb tidak menolong disaat seperti ini karena baterenya udah koit. huhuhu...
Melihat ada pakcik makcik sedang santai, maka aku bertanya ke mereka, bagaimana menuju ke Jalan Portugis. Hehe, dan mereka juga tidak tahu karena mereka bukan orang lokal, mereka berasal dari Kedah. Makcik itu melihat ada 3 cewek lagi berjalan menuju ke arah kami, dia menyuruhku untuk bertanya saja ke mereka. Setelah beberapa pertanyaan dan sedikit perbincangan, thanks God, He really is great. Si cewek, Nana, dengan baik hati memberikan tumpangan di mobilnya sampai di dengan guesthouse, sekalipun dia juga ga terlalu paham jalannya. hehe.....that's our God. He is unbelievable.
So, at the end of the day. Aku sampe di guesthouse dengan selamat. Thanks to Nana :). Setelah beristirahat semalaman, maka dan akupun siap bertualang keesokan harinya. :)
Perjalanku di Melaka akan aku bahas lebih lanjut di www.wisataseru.com :)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Just simply have faith!
When i feel the sorrow in my heart
I only know one God that I can turn around at
He is ...always be there
always be very faithfull from the first
He is greater and stronger then anything else :)
He ia above all :)
and He is the rules of the world
King of Kings :)
I only know one God that I can turn around at
He is ...always be there
always be very faithfull from the first
He is greater and stronger then anything else :)
He ia above all :)
and He is the rules of the world
King of Kings :)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
that's what i feel when i heard there's something wrong happened in your life
that's what i feel when you said you want to go far away, as in you want to severe ties with us
that's what i feel when i know you take a decision that is not right
you will need a person that can guide you along, be it in spiritual or physical
it's a marriage that you are talking about
it's a one life decision that will take you create heaven or hell on earth
I do love you
and I do like to give my everything
However, I trust my God more than i trust myself :)
thus, i will be happy because He will let the miracle happen :) in theUm right time, right place and He will bring you the right person as well :)
HE is doing something within our family ^-^
love you love HIM
that's what i feel when i heard there's something wrong happened in your life
that's what i feel when you said you want to go far away, as in you want to severe ties with us
that's what i feel when i know you take a decision that is not right
you will need a person that can guide you along, be it in spiritual or physical
it's a marriage that you are talking about
it's a one life decision that will take you create heaven or hell on earth
I do love you
and I do like to give my everything
However, I trust my God more than i trust myself :)
thus, i will be happy because He will let the miracle happen :) in theUm right time, right place and He will bring you the right person as well :)
HE is doing something within our family ^-^
love you love HIM
in the midst of searching
am searching my soul now
am i too controlling
am i crazy for the power
am i too egoist
am i too selfish
am i too ridiculous
am i too bitter
am i too lonely
am i too hard to others
am i too self-centric
am i living the life God want me to be?
i am..
in my searching now...
am i too controlling
am i crazy for the power
am i too egoist
am i too selfish
am i too ridiculous
am i too bitter
am i too lonely
am i too hard to others
am i too self-centric
am i living the life God want me to be?
i am..
in my searching now...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
"Ah, akhirnya aku temukan tempat berlabuh", pikir Kelana
Ia pun arungi lautan jengkal demi jengkal
Riak, ombak, angin kencang, badai, semua dilaluinya
Semakin mendekat
Semakin dekat
Dan dekat
Kelana memutari pulau kecil itu
Cari dataran landai tuk berlabuh
Namun sebelum ia dapat sampai di dataran indah yang terlihat,
Ia tak dapat mendekat
Pulau itu kecil
Namun dikelilingi banyak karang batu
Diputarinyalah pulau itu
Hari demi hari
Jam demi jam
Menit demi menit
Detik demi detik
Dari satu kayuhan ke kayuhan lain
Tuk mencari jalan masuk
Terkadang terlihat tempat yang tak banyak batu karang
Tapi ombak tak bersahabat
Karena ombak akan menghempaskan kelana kembali ke laut
Sampai akhirnya satu sapuan atau dua membawa kelana menjauh dari pulau itu
Dan ia hanya dapat memandangi pulau itu dari kejauhan
Dan sekali lagi terombang-ambing tak tentu arah di tengah-tengah lautan
Ia pun arungi lautan jengkal demi jengkal
Riak, ombak, angin kencang, badai, semua dilaluinya
Semakin mendekat
Semakin dekat
Dan dekat
Kelana memutari pulau kecil itu
Cari dataran landai tuk berlabuh
Namun sebelum ia dapat sampai di dataran indah yang terlihat,
Ia tak dapat mendekat
Pulau itu kecil
Namun dikelilingi banyak karang batu
Diputarinyalah pulau itu
Hari demi hari
Jam demi jam
Menit demi menit
Detik demi detik
Dari satu kayuhan ke kayuhan lain
Tuk mencari jalan masuk
Terkadang terlihat tempat yang tak banyak batu karang
Tapi ombak tak bersahabat
Karena ombak akan menghempaskan kelana kembali ke laut
Sampai akhirnya satu sapuan atau dua membawa kelana menjauh dari pulau itu
Dan ia hanya dapat memandangi pulau itu dari kejauhan
Dan sekali lagi terombang-ambing tak tentu arah di tengah-tengah lautan
Kelana tak temukan tempat tuk berlabuh
Halu ke kanan ia tak tersampaikan
Halu ke kiri pun tak ada ujung
Air, Air dan Air
Laut dengan riaknya
Laut dengan ombaknya
Laut dengan gelombangnya
Laut dengan badainya
Itu yang ditemui kelana
Ingin tempat bersauh itu ditemui
Namun sauh tak dapat berlabuh
Tak ada daratan
Tak ada daratan
Sekali lagi kelana terdiam
Halu ke kiri
Halu ke kanan
Dan terus ke kanan
Dan terus ke kanan
Sampai kelana lihat sebuah pulau kecil
Pulau kecil nan makmur
Pulau itu boleh kecil
Tapi disitulah kelana ingin berlabuh
Dan melepas segala rindu duka suka nya
Halu ke kanan ia tak tersampaikan
Halu ke kiri pun tak ada ujung
Air, Air dan Air
Laut dengan riaknya
Laut dengan ombaknya
Laut dengan gelombangnya
Laut dengan badainya
Itu yang ditemui kelana
Ingin tempat bersauh itu ditemui
Namun sauh tak dapat berlabuh
Tak ada daratan
Tak ada daratan
Sekali lagi kelana terdiam
Halu ke kiri
Halu ke kanan
Dan terus ke kanan
Dan terus ke kanan
Sampai kelana lihat sebuah pulau kecil
Pulau kecil nan makmur
Pulau itu boleh kecil
Tapi disitulah kelana ingin berlabuh
Dan melepas segala rindu duka suka nya
Monday, August 23, 2010
before it should be decided
In our golden time
a time when everything seems work as we want it to be
It will be easier to smile, to laugh, to be encouraged, to encourage people, to keep optimist about our future.
Everything seems soooo....perfectly fit the picture.
But there will be a time of darkness
A time when we feel very far far away from God
a time when we feel abandoned by God
a time when we feel we don't even want to talk with God
a time when the troubles all of sudden come in the same time
a time when we feel very alone though we have ALL the peoples in our inner circle
a time when we feel nothing about everything
Do you know what is Father's respond to us?
He said, you don't even need to pray in a time like that, just believe Me that my love is more than enough for you.
You will come out as a victorious winner.
I am here to lift you up to the next level. To a place where you never dream before.
To a place that much more better than you can ever imagine.
Come, and rest in My shoulder and now is the time for you to give and surrender all your yoke unto Me.
Be strong and take courage for all my dearest brothers and sisters!
His Love will never ever fail us!
Gbu ♥
a time when everything seems work as we want it to be
It will be easier to smile, to laugh, to be encouraged, to encourage people, to keep optimist about our future.
Everything seems soooo....perfectly fit the picture.
But there will be a time of darkness
A time when we feel very far far away from God
a time when we feel abandoned by God
a time when we feel we don't even want to talk with God
a time when the troubles all of sudden come in the same time
a time when we feel very alone though we have ALL the peoples in our inner circle
a time when we feel nothing about everything
Do you know what is Father's respond to us?
He said, you don't even need to pray in a time like that, just believe Me that my love is more than enough for you.
You will come out as a victorious winner.
I am here to lift you up to the next level. To a place where you never dream before.
To a place that much more better than you can ever imagine.
Come, and rest in My shoulder and now is the time for you to give and surrender all your yoke unto Me.
Be strong and take courage for all my dearest brothers and sisters!
His Love will never ever fail us!
Gbu ♥
Friday, June 18, 2010
Tulang Rusuk
Ketika AKU menciptakan langit dan bumi,AKU berfirman dan jadilah.
Ketika AKU menciptakan pria,AKU membentuknya dan meniupkan nafas kehidupan ke lubang hidungnya.
Tetapi engkau wanita,AKU menghiasmu setelah AKU meniupkan nafas kehidupan ke pria,karena lubang hidungmu terlalu lembut.
AKU membiarkan pria tertidur nyenyak sehingga
AKU dapat dengan sabar dan sempurna membentuk engkau.
Pria AKU buat tertidur supaya dia tidak dapat mencampuri.
Dari satu tulang AKU menghiasmu.
AKU memilih tulang yang melindungi kehidupan pria.
AKU memilih tulang rusuk,yang melindungi jantung dan paru-paru serta mendukungnya,sebagaimana yang harus kamu lakukan.
Dari satu tulang ini,AKU membentukmu dengan sempurna dan cantik.
Sifatmu adalah seperti tulang rusuk,"kuat tetapi lembut".
Engkau meyediakan perlindungan
untuk organ paling lembut dalam pria,hati dan jantungnya. Jantungnya adalah pusat dari kehidupannya,paru-parunya menggenggam nafas kehidupan.
Tulang rusuk akan membiarkan dirinya patah sebelum
ia mengijinkan kerusakan terjadi pada jantung.Dukunglah pria sebagaimana tulang rusuk melindungi tubuhnya.
Engkau tidak diambil dari kakinya
untuk menjadi alasnya
tidak juga diambil dari kepalanya
untuk menjadi atasannya.
Engkau diambil dari sisinya,
untuk berdiri disebelahnya
dan dipeluk dengan erat.
Jadi Pria,perlakukan wanita dengan baik.
Cintailah dia,hormatilah dia,karena ia lembut.
Menyakitinya,berarti engkau menyakitiKU.
Apa yang engkau lakukan kepadanya,engkau melakukannya kepadaKU.
Jika engkau menghancurkannya, engkau hanya
menghancurkan hatimu sendiri.
Wanita dukunglah pria Dalam kesederhanaan,tunjukkan kepadanya kekuatan
perasaan yang telah KU berikan kepadamu.
Dalam kesunyian tunjukkan kekuatanmu.
Dalam cinta tunjukkan kepadanya bahwa engkau adalah tulang rusuknya yang melindungi tubuhnya... :)
source: forwarded by friend
Ketika AKU menciptakan pria,AKU membentuknya dan meniupkan nafas kehidupan ke lubang hidungnya.
Tetapi engkau wanita,AKU menghiasmu setelah AKU meniupkan nafas kehidupan ke pria,karena lubang hidungmu terlalu lembut.
AKU membiarkan pria tertidur nyenyak sehingga
AKU dapat dengan sabar dan sempurna membentuk engkau.
Pria AKU buat tertidur supaya dia tidak dapat mencampuri.
Dari satu tulang AKU menghiasmu.
AKU memilih tulang yang melindungi kehidupan pria.
AKU memilih tulang rusuk,yang melindungi jantung dan paru-paru serta mendukungnya,sebagaimana yang harus kamu lakukan.
Dari satu tulang ini,AKU membentukmu dengan sempurna dan cantik.
Sifatmu adalah seperti tulang rusuk,"kuat tetapi lembut".
Engkau meyediakan perlindungan
untuk organ paling lembut dalam pria,hati dan jantungnya. Jantungnya adalah pusat dari kehidupannya,paru-parunya menggenggam nafas kehidupan.
Tulang rusuk akan membiarkan dirinya patah sebelum
ia mengijinkan kerusakan terjadi pada jantung.Dukunglah pria sebagaimana tulang rusuk melindungi tubuhnya.
Engkau tidak diambil dari kakinya
untuk menjadi alasnya
tidak juga diambil dari kepalanya
untuk menjadi atasannya.
Engkau diambil dari sisinya,
untuk berdiri disebelahnya
dan dipeluk dengan erat.
Jadi Pria,perlakukan wanita dengan baik.
Cintailah dia,hormatilah dia,karena ia lembut.
Menyakitinya,berarti engkau menyakitiKU.
Apa yang engkau lakukan kepadanya,engkau melakukannya kepadaKU.
Jika engkau menghancurkannya, engkau hanya
menghancurkan hatimu sendiri.
Wanita dukunglah pria Dalam kesederhanaan,tunjukkan kepadanya kekuatan
perasaan yang telah KU berikan kepadamu.
Dalam kesunyian tunjukkan kekuatanmu.
Dalam cinta tunjukkan kepadanya bahwa engkau adalah tulang rusuknya yang melindungi tubuhnya... :)
source: forwarded by friend
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Nite 02
Lord Jesus,
Thank you for today.
We've been through a tough day yet we want to bless Your Name
Thanks for being so kind to us
Thanks for giving me assurance of Your Love
I love You and will always do.
I pray that Your wisdom will be with us and strengthened us to make any decision for our next chapter :)
An wei wo de xin Lord
Thank you for today.
We've been through a tough day yet we want to bless Your Name
Thanks for being so kind to us
Thanks for giving me assurance of Your Love
I love You and will always do.
I pray that Your wisdom will be with us and strengthened us to make any decision for our next chapter :)
An wei wo de xin Lord
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
nite 01
Lord Jesus,
Thank you for Your guidance today.
Give us Your wisdom to make the decisions out of Your will.
Heal our heart, heal our mind, heal our spirit thus we can face tomorrow as a better phase of our life.
We might know nothing Lord.
But please lead us one step in time
Thus we won't be confused and we can learn to put our next step in You trust.
Teach us to number our day
Teach us to love You more
Good Nite Lord,
Thank you for Your guidance today.
Give us Your wisdom to make the decisions out of Your will.
Heal our heart, heal our mind, heal our spirit thus we can face tomorrow as a better phase of our life.
We might know nothing Lord.
But please lead us one step in time
Thus we won't be confused and we can learn to put our next step in You trust.
Teach us to number our day
Teach us to love You more
Good Nite Lord,
Monday, June 14, 2010
One step in a time
Keep walking keep walking and keep walking till you reach your way out.
That time you will have no idea how come you overcome your problems.
I overheard the quote above so many times.
and I know and I know...that it should be the answer
Yet, it's very hard for me to put it in action
I just want to learn it in a simple way.
Take one step in a time, and keep continuing with another step, and keep continuing with another step..
again another step...again and again and again..
Keep trusting Him though it might be one simple step..
Lead my step today Lord Jesus
♥ u always...,
That time you will have no idea how come you overcome your problems.
I overheard the quote above so many times.
and I know and I know...that it should be the answer
Yet, it's very hard for me to put it in action
I just want to learn it in a simple way.
Take one step in a time, and keep continuing with another step, and keep continuing with another step..
again another step...again and again and again..
Keep trusting Him though it might be one simple step..
Lead my step today Lord Jesus
♥ u always...,
Friday, June 11, 2010
Happy in the Valley
One time your word make me happy
Yet another time it make me not unhappy - but worry
One time your word make me feel easy
Yet another time it make me feeling uneasy.
One time I can see it clearly - more than anyone
Yet another time I really see blur only.
Isn't life is funny?
One time you can be lifted high, yet another time you can be pushed down.
But, isn't it life all about?
You will have so called "day" and "night" in your season of life.
PS: Lord... I surrender. I want to be happy through am in the valley. I am happy! as long as You are here with me...
Yet another time it make me not unhappy - but worry
One time your word make me feel easy
Yet another time it make me feeling uneasy.
One time I can see it clearly - more than anyone
Yet another time I really see blur only.
Isn't life is funny?
One time you can be lifted high, yet another time you can be pushed down.
But, isn't it life all about?
You will have so called "day" and "night" in your season of life.
PS: Lord... I surrender. I want to be happy through am in the valley. I am happy! as long as You are here with me...
Monday, March 08, 2010
Wisata Seru
Hi guys....
Newly launched *still soft launch though hehe*
Looking for food? new place for traveling? :)
Visit http://www.wisataseru.com for a new exciting place to go in Indonesia.
Currently the website is in Indonesia language.
However, should you look into the translation, please let me know :)
Gbu ♥
Do visit the website ya... :)
Newly launched *still soft launch though hehe*
Looking for food? new place for traveling? :)
Visit http://www.wisataseru.com for a new exciting place to go in Indonesia.
Currently the website is in Indonesia language.
However, should you look into the translation, please let me know :)
Gbu ♥
Do visit the website ya... :)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
As usual, i was taking a train.
I was on my way to meet my father's friend.
I was sitting next to a guy with a black shirt, brown shoes.
We reached Toa Payoh already.
That guy was there. Sitting beside me.
We were on our way to Novena.
It was just one stop to Novena.
After the door was opened at toa payoh mrt.
Soon, this guy next to me was talking with his friend via phone.
He told his friend that he was in mrt, bla bla bla...
I took off my glasses for a few second and realize that there is no more sound.
I glanced to where he sat. He wasn't there.
And we haven't reached Novena yet.
I tried to look for him.
I told myself.
Maybe he was standing near the door, or maybe he moved to another seat.
Yet i cannot find him.
He was just disappeared.
I don't know how and why.
I was on my way to meet my father's friend.
I was sitting next to a guy with a black shirt, brown shoes.
We reached Toa Payoh already.
That guy was there. Sitting beside me.
We were on our way to Novena.
It was just one stop to Novena.
After the door was opened at toa payoh mrt.
Soon, this guy next to me was talking with his friend via phone.
He told his friend that he was in mrt, bla bla bla...
I took off my glasses for a few second and realize that there is no more sound.
I glanced to where he sat. He wasn't there.
And we haven't reached Novena yet.
I tried to look for him.
I told myself.
Maybe he was standing near the door, or maybe he moved to another seat.
Yet i cannot find him.
He was just disappeared.
I don't know how and why.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
He knows what is happening today!

Ada kalanya
Sering kali justru..
kekuatan kita nggak cukup kuat untuk menopang diri kita
apa yang nggak pernah kita pikirkan.
bukan cuman hal yang baik2 saja :)
tp bahkan hal yg menurut kita kurang - dan bahkan mungkin jauuuuh dari kata - baik.
Cuman pengen bilang aja. TRUST YOUR GOD!
HE knows and He knows and He knows what is happening NOW!
Dia ga tinggal diam!
Dia ga akan membiarkan kita jatuh tergeletak.
Kalo kamu udah pernah menghitung kebaikan Tuhan di dalam hidupmu.
Hitunglah sekali lagi!
Maka kamu akan dapat bersyukur bahwa Dia baik, regardless what is happening today :)
Ecc 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men's hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy], yet so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.
♥ mgkn kita ga tau kenapa, tapi PASTI Tuhan tahu kok ♥
ruth sophia
a journey,
a thought,
another special day,
trust God
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
piece by piece
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
humble yet sharp-sighted

I love guitar.
Though i cannot play it well. ^-^
But one thing that i know.
It can be played with other instrument, as well as played solo.
It has a wide variation.
6-string is the most general, but four-, seven-, eight-, nine-, ten-, eleven-, twelve-, thirteen- and eighteen-string guitars are also available.
Mine: 6 strings off course.
Guitar is one of the music instrument that can be found easily.
Though it can be played in the well-known Concert Hall by outstanding musician,
Yet it also can be played in the street by street musician (or even "pengamen").
You can find guitar in any caste.
Well, i am not a guitar expert :P
Neither do I want to explain about guitar like an expert.
I just want to share that today i was reminded by this verse.
Proverbs 17: 18
It’s stupid to try to get something for nothing,
or run up huge bills you can never pay. (MSG)
Another version: A man devoid of understanding shakes hands in a pledge,
And becomes surety for his friend. (NKJV)
A man void of good sense gives a pledge and becomes security for another in the presence of his neighbor. (AMP)
Sometimes, life tempted us to play as a "good samaritan".
Become a hero for others without knowing what's going on.
If we know nothing, it's stupid to be involved in someone else matter, then even gives a pledge a becomes a security for another.
What do you really want to achieve by giving a pledge?
What do you really want to achieve by becomes security for another?
Is it because of your pride?
Is it because you want to play a "good samaritan" thus people will recognise you as one?
Is it because we are so boastful about ourselves?
Lately i have been reminded "Be humble dear, be humble. HUMILITY. Write down in your heart that you have to learn to be humble".
It might be simple. But it can be everything.
We might heard it often. But so hard to live in it.
Let our humility can be found in any caste as well.
Not only when we are around the poor (in the street), but we also can managed our humility around the rich (in the well-known place).
Another reminder today :
Our life, has a purpose.
Everything has a purpose.
Whatever we do now, it's because we want to achieve something.
Just like i bought my guitar, was actually as a tool to worship Him.
*though i rarely use it lately. (doh) i really being reminded to worship Him more, no matter what*
We need to know, what we want to get.
We need to set a goal in our life.
Thus everything we do, will take us closer to the goal itself.
It might be take days, weeks, months, or even years.
But as you live in your dreams, whatever you do will take u closer to the goal.
Set up your goal now!
humble doesn't mean that you are not smart!
humble doesn't mean that you are being abused by others.
humble doesn't mean that you are being used by others.
♥ ruth ♥
Sunday, January 10, 2010
dusty yet cleansed
rusty yet beautiful
nasty yet forgiven
a lot of things happened.
be it sad or happy.
i feel grateful
for the dreams You've given to me
for the vision that You've let me see
for ALL the things
be it sad or happy
am grateful forever to be your precious daughter.
there's no word i can write here to show how overwhelm i am in your guidance.
there's no song i can sing to praise Your Name on high.
there's nothing i can do to win Your Heart because You have given Your heart at the first place - Your only Son - to save me.
Thank You Lord Jesus.
♥ u much much much more....
rusty yet beautiful
nasty yet forgiven
a lot of things happened.
be it sad or happy.
i feel grateful
for the dreams You've given to me
for the vision that You've let me see
for ALL the things
be it sad or happy
am grateful forever to be your precious daughter.
there's no word i can write here to show how overwhelm i am in your guidance.
there's no song i can sing to praise Your Name on high.
there's nothing i can do to win Your Heart because You have given Your heart at the first place - Your only Son - to save me.
Thank You Lord Jesus.
♥ u much much much more....
Friday, January 01, 2010
mom ~ on ur day

I said "I love u" yet I hurt u so many times
I said "I miss u" yet there is none of my acts reflected it
I said "I want to lift ur burden up" yet I make it heavier even more
Mom, I have no idea how many drops of tears had been poured out because of me
Still u love me so
I cannot count how many times I had rejected u and ur love
Still u always be there when I need u most
Just being able to see u, broken my cold heart into pieces
And all I can do is crying and crying and become ur lil baby once more
Thank u for being a wonderful and strong mom
I luv u mom
Dedicate to all moms in the world.
tiga ratus enam puluh lima
365 hari telah kita lalui
Ada saat dimana tangis menyeruak
Ada saat dimana tawa menggema
Ada saat dimana teriak tak lagi bersuara
Terima kasih telah menjadi bagian dalam hari-hari tersebut
Terima kasih telah mengisi 365 hari ku..
kuharap di hari-hari selanjutnya
Di menit menit dan bahkan detik-detik selanjutnya
Kita akan sama-sama membagi mimpi, mengejar impian kita, dan menghidupi impian tersebut..
Mari sambut 2010 dg impian baru, pikiran yang baru dan hati yang baru...
~luv in Christ always~
Ada saat dimana tangis menyeruak
Ada saat dimana tawa menggema
Ada saat dimana teriak tak lagi bersuara
Terima kasih telah menjadi bagian dalam hari-hari tersebut
Terima kasih telah mengisi 365 hari ku..
kuharap di hari-hari selanjutnya
Di menit menit dan bahkan detik-detik selanjutnya
Kita akan sama-sama membagi mimpi, mengejar impian kita, dan menghidupi impian tersebut..
Mari sambut 2010 dg impian baru, pikiran yang baru dan hati yang baru...
~luv in Christ always~
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